2009/12/2 Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi <vmlinuz...@yahoo.com.ar>:
>> De: Attila <vodoo0...@sonnenkinder.org>
>> Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi wrote:
>> > Installed here (i686 at this moment). Font looks a bit
>> bigger than with
>> > previus qt.
>> Do you have a vertical LCD display perhaps? I ask because
>> of this elder
>> discussion about problems in qt 4.5.0 with fonts and
>> certain monitors:
>> http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=67031
>> I hope this will not be the same story.-)
>> See you, Attila
> Hi,
> No 19" CRT monitor 1280x1024 @ 96x96 DPI + nvidia 190.42.
> Seems that is the forum topic is unrelated, talks about font curruption. Here 
> fonts are OK, the only difference is that are a bit bigger (Y) and a big more 
> condensed (X).
> Reading the QT changes, there are some about how fonts are interpreted, may 
> be...
> Thanks.
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The question is if it is a regression or if it was broken and now it's
fixed. How do these fonts look compared to the fonts rendered by
using, let's say GTK?


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