On Thu, 2009-11-26 at 19:05 -0500, Samuel Baldwin wrote:
> 2009/11/26 Ng Oon-Ee <ngoo...@gmail.com>:
> > In short, keep updated. Doesn't need to be daily, but at the very very
> > least 1-2 times a month.
> Fair enough, I'm going to start doing that. And no, it didn't come off
> as snarky, but rather objective; I had considered looking around for
> something else once this started, but it'd be less hassle for me to
> just keep things up to date like I should.
Yes, I believe that would be the case. Good practice is just before
updating to browse through the last 2 or 3 pages of BBS postings to see
if there's complaints on packages/software you use, as well as watch the
front page. And this ML of course.

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