I second a vote for Thinkpad's actually. They're quality bits of kit, very Linux/Unix friendly. -- Ed Morgan
+44 (0)7929 408910 "Every normal man must be tempted at times http://dontfightthefuture.com to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, http://identi.ca/mo6020 and begin to slit throats." - H. L. Mencken 2009/11/4 christopher floess <skepti...@gmail.com> > I'm running it on a thinkpad t61, and I'm quite satisfied. I've got > gnome running, though I like fvwm and might go back to it. Power > management is working, which I like. I don't know what else you might > have in mind in terms of what your expectations are. I like the > trackpoint, so maybe something by dell with the same feature, if you > don't want to go with lenovo. > > -- Chris >