
On So, 2009-10-25 at 11:27 -0400, Daenyth Blank wrote:
> Could you put the key on a usb drive so that the drive is required to
> unlock the partitions?

thank you very much for your reply. However I don't like the idea to
store my key(s) on an usb drive. First of all if my laptop really gets
stolen (or I loose it :o), the usb drive certainly would be attached,
making the whole encryption stuff unnecessary. Secondly I don't want to
worry whether I have my usb drive with me or not, because without the
usb drive my laptop is quite useless.

I like the idea of having a pass-phrase, and I would like to stay with
this approach. 

Best regards,
Karol Babioch <ka...@babioch.de>

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