On 15.10.2009 11:47, Lukas Kropatschek wrote: > --------- Forwarded Message ---------- > > Subject: Same problem > Date: Monday 12 October 2009 > From: Lukas Kropatschek <lukas.k...@gmail.com> > To: sw8...@gmail.com > > Hello Steve! > > I think have the same problem on my Acer Travelmate 8371. > > I noticed that the harddisk doesnt wake up from resume and therefor the > system reboots. I managed to get it working for exactly two times and I > noticed that the HDD-led was blinking. I changed the SATA mode in the BIOS > to IDE-mode (instead of AHCI). But then I rebooted and tried it again and it > wasnt working anymore. Since then I tried many things but nothing helped > (kernel-paramters in grub, diffrent configurations of for mkinitcpio, diffrent > s2ram paramters, unloading modules before suspend,...) > > The two times it worked was with "s2ram -f -a 3". > > Maybe you check if your harddrive gets powered on after resume, you > should here that. Since you changed your disk I think this is exactly the > same problem. > > I read that there is a module for powering on the disk called pata_acpi, > maybe there is a bug in the code that concerns certain disks. > > Regards! > Lukas > > ------------------------------------------------------- > I had exactly that problem until kernel 2.6.31. My harddrive just wouldn't come back after resuming. After the kernel update to 2.6.31 however, everything works beautifully for me. Are you on the newest kernel? If not, you might see into upgrading now.
-- Sven-Hendrik