On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 6:21 PM, Samuel Baldwin <recursive.for...@gmail.com> wrote: > 2009/10/10 Ray Kohler <ataraxia...@gmail.com>: >> Check the DPI of your display (with xdpyinfo). Probably the lack of >> the external monitor made it come up differently. >> >> I dealt with this by fixing the XFT DPI value to 96, which is what >> most fonts are designed for, and what most software that cares, >> expects it to be. This can be done by setting the X property "xft.dpi" >> to "96". > > arrakis^~% xdpyinfo| grep -E 'resol|dimens' > dimensions: 1680x1050 pixels (331x210 millimeters) > resolution: 129x127 dots per inch > > Not good? Where should I set xft.dpi? (Sorry, I haven't twiddled with > X much besides xorg.conf and .Xdefaults, is it either of those?)
Yes, put it in .Xdefaults and do whatever you normally do after changing that file. Case matters: Xft.dpi: 96