On Sat, 2009-10-10 at 17:13 +0300, Rogutės Sparnuotos wrote:
> Hussam Al-Tayeb (2009-10-10 14:11):
> > Yes, I've reinstalled both the kernel and cryptsetup.
> > luks is device blocks encryption if I'm not mistaken so filesystem type
> > shouldn't matter.
> Yes, the filesystem type shouldn't matter. Anyway, I'm running a custom
> built and use an encrypted ext4 home partition with
> passphrases, and it works here.
> In your previous mails you were saying that your home partition unlocks
> every time, but only after numerous consecutive tries, correct? That is,
> after booting,
>  dash -c 'echo "pass"|cryptsetup luksOpen dev name'
> doesn't work, but
>  dash
>  while ! echo "pass"|cryptsetup luksOpen dev name; do
>    n=$((n+1)); test $n -ge 100 && break
>  done
> does?
> If that is the case, it is really strange and I doubt I can help you.
> Did you try simply booting up, waiting for a minute or two and trying to
> unlock the partition?
> You didn't post the relevant part of your /var/log/pacman.log yet (the
> part with the update which broke cryptsetup).
> You didn't say why and how did you update to Are you running
> the testing repository?
> You didn't say whether you tried downgrading your kernel:
> $ pacman -S kernel26
>    and/or
> $ pacman -S kernel26-lts
> Did you try running /sbin/cryptsetup.static instead of cryptsetup?
> Might module loading be delayed because of some obscure reason?
> $ lsmod|grep -i aes
> Have you got some exocitc cpu with hardware AES encryption?

I'm on limited connectivity till Monday so I can't try the lts kernel
before then.
aes_generic and aes_i586 are loaded.
The computer is an old AMD 2300+
I tried
 echo password | /sbin/cryptsetup.static luksOpen /dev/sdb1 home
it worked after 17 tries.

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