David C. Rankin wrote:
On Friday 09 October 2009 06:25:51 pm David C. Rankin wrote:

Any reason that the nut package (network ups tools) isn't being packaged
 with the documentation (release notes, upgrade notes, etc.) or the web
 interface (cgi/html) files? Just curious?

Looking a bit closer, it looks like this is what we want:

#Archlinux nut configure options

./configure '--prefix=/usr' \
'--sysconfdir=/etc' \
'--localstatedir=/var' \
'--mandir=/usr/share/man' \
'--datadir=/usr/share' \
'--docdir=/usr/share/doc/nut' \
'--with-all' \
'--with-cgipath=/srv/http/cgi-bin/nut' \

It looks like the existing package was built without any of the following build options, that can all be applied with the --with-all configure parameter:

  --with-all              enable serial, usb, snmp, hal, cgi, dev, neonxml,
What say the powers that be?

File a bug report/feature request.


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