On Fri, 09 Oct 2009 11:06:58 -0400
David Rosenstrauch <dar...@darose.net> wrote:

> On 10/09/2009 10:00 AM, Thiago Varela wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > After yesterday's update I can't get any sound off my box anymore :-(
> > I tried mpd, xine, mplayer and youtube in firefox, and all of them are 
> > completely silent.
> > Looked in alsamixer and the master volume is in the appropriate level, also 
> > the respective modules seem to be loaded
> > and ok.
> > Anyone got any pointers?
> Couple of things to check:
> * has one of the channels (e.g., master, PCM, front) been muted?
Ha! The PCM channel was muted! When I first looked into alsamixer I overlooked 
the little "MM" under the volume bar of
the PCM channel (IMO the mute indicator should be less discrete :-)

> * has one of the channels (e.g., PCM, front) been set to volume 0?
> * is the snd_pcsp module loaded?  (lsmod | grep snd_pcsp)  If so, unload 
> it, and set it to not load in your rc.conf.  (That's been known to 
> interfere with other sound modules.)
> * are any of the "Analog Loopback" switches turned on?  If so, turn them 
> off, as they can disable sound.  (I tore my hair out over that one for 
> quite a while.)
> HTH,
> DR


Thiago Varela

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