
Does anybody know who has the originals of the wallpapers in 
/usr/share/archlinux/wallpaper? I as because I would like to get the 
backgrounds but have the arch logo moved to the lower left corner instead of 
the center or the right where they are covered by the kde4 weather app and CPU 
meter. I don't mind putting the arch logos back on just the plain backgrounds, 
but with the textures and patterns involved, there aren't something you can 
just move the logo on. If anybody has them, I would appreciate a copy. Thanks.

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
Telephone: (936) 715-9333
Facsimile: (936) 715-9339

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