On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 11:40 PM, David C. Rankin < drankina...@suddenlinkmail.com> wrote:
> Archers, > > I have always liked the opera browser, but one thing that has really > sucked > about it was the crappy file open/file save dialogs opera comes with. > Picking > around tonight, I ran across an option in opera's configuration that allows > you to choose the file selector dialogs to use. It is cryptic as hell, but > I > found the commit page for the changes and got the needed information. > > To make use of real kde4 open/save dialogs in opera, got to the > config page > by typing "opera:config" into the address bar, the scroll down to "File > Selector", then change the setting to "2". The commit notes say: > > 0 - normal > 1 - Qt > 2 - GTK > > For some reason, I couldn't get Qt to work, so I select "2" for GTK, > and > Bingo! I had usable dialogs in opera (you may need to restart opera). What > a > relief. If you use opera, it's worth a look. > > While on the subject, you might want to check out the C00-14, > Keramik and > crystal_onyx_bull skins. Opera has come a long way in > 10.0<http://www.rankinlawfirm.com> Thank you. This has been my single major gripe with Opera on linux for a very long time. I have no idea why they wouldn't detect the correct one and use it by default. THe lame file selector has probably turned a lot of people away over the years. -- David