It would be nice if it was easily possible to compare a pkgbuild
against a corresponding 'official' pkgbuild (from ABS).

disclaimer: i haven't thought this through so here are some ideas.
consider this a brainstorm

- on AUR, many packages are customized versions (patches, vcs versions,
  alternative compile options,..) of official packages so maybe AUR
  packagers could fill in an official packagename as 'base' package.
  the webinterface could then show a diff against the official pkgbuild

- maybe this can be done on the makepkg level by passing some flag.  it
  would be less point and click but would work for non-aur pkgbuilds.

- everything in 1 big git repo: official packages, community, AUR,..
  through branching they can be nicely separated but it would make
  things easier to generate diffs.


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