First two patches are somewhat trivial. The third one adds support for 
uploading packages to multiple architectures.

Let me explain the rationale behind the last patch.

My workflow goes something like this:

 1) sudo makechrootpkg -c -r /opt/arch/stable-i686
 2) sudo makechrootpkg -c -r /opt/arch/stable-x86_64
 3) scp *pkg*
 4) source PKGBUILD; svn commit -m "$pkgname $pkgver-$pkgrel
        random message"
 5) archrelease community-i686
 6) archrelease community-x86_64
 7) ssh /arch/db-community

As you can see, I'm doing all steps manually (which is time-consuming and prone 
to errors). Unless I'm missing an existing way to upload packages to both 
architectures using commitpkg (via its communitypkg symlink), the third patch 
can help automate steps 3-6 above.

I uploaded one package (that needed updating) using the modified commitpkg and 
it worked as expected. However, more testing is needed, especially with split 

Please let me know what you think. :)

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