On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 7:17 PM, Alessandro Doro <ordo...@gmail.com> wrote: > And which package owns > /lib/modules/2.6.30-ARCH/kernel/lib/zlib_inflate/zlib_inflate.ko? > > $ zgrep -i ZLIB_INFLATE /proc/config.gz > CONFIG_ZLIB_INFLATE=y > > shows that ZLIB_INFLATE is not a module. > Did you left something from a previous (custom) kernel build? > A full depmod should be able to fix the problem. >
Indeed, there seem to be some leftovers from a previous kernel build. However, depmod -a did not fix the issue, modprobe still reports: FATAL: Error inserting isofs (/lib/modules/2.6.30-ARCH/kernel/fs/isofs/isofs.ko): Invalid module format How should I go about reverting /lib/modules to the default state? Thanks for your support. JM