On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 01:22, Rogutės Sparnuotos<rogu...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>       Now with the driver static, I wonder if it might not be worth looking 
>> into to
>> see if it is even feasable to try and make it work with the current arch
>> setup. ( I know I'm not smart enough in this area to be of any use. ) The
>> reason I bring this up I running arch on one drive I have for my laptop, and
>> I'm limited to the radeonhd driver. It's getting better, but it has two
>> achiles heels: (1) performance, and (2) heat (lots of it). Ultimately, the
>> radeonhd driver will crack the black box and have a great driver, but
>> currently, the combination of the issues is bad enough, I keep an old copy of
>> suse 11 on another driver for use in my laptop, for no other reason than it
>> has the working fglrx driver and I can work with my laptop without the fan
>> noise and heat under my left palm caused by the lack of 
>> downclocking/powerdown
>> of the unused gpu circuitry experienced with the radeonhd driver.
> Even if catalyst-9.3 would work with the newly proposed kernel26-lts, it
> wouldn't work with xorg-server-1.6, and there's no source code for that
> part of the driver. The only way to use the driver would be to downgrade
> to xorg-server-1.5 (along with its dependencies, of which there might be
> a handful).

kernel26-lts is not supposed to work for any external modules,
so this is not relevant here at all.

Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)

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