On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:16 PM, André
Ramaciotti<andre.ramacio...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That's what I thought too. Anyway, it didn't work, but I found out what the
> real problem was. For some reason, sometimes I got:
> Wireless -> eth0
> Ethernet -> eth1
> and other times I got:
> Ethernet -> eth0
> Wireless -> eth1

There appears to be an optional udev rule to sort this out
(/etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules.optional). Since
I removed the ".optional" from the filename I am no longer
experiencing this issue. However, this file is not described in the
wiki and no one at #archlinux could explain to me what it does. Seems
to work, though.

Hope it helps,

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