Excerpts from Piyush P Kurur's message of Mo Aug 31 14:48:03 +0200 2009:
> complaint was that they are not in the correct format. So I guess
> the following needs to be done. 
> 1) Add libpoppler as a dependency to latex

you are right about this.

> 2) recompile libpoppler with latest gcc which ever it is.

this is what I don't understand: you write "they are not in the correct
format" - who is they? which program complains?

It's possibly the issue that's come up on the forums:
if you get something like:
This is TeX, Version ....
Fatal format file error; I'm stymied
then you need to run 'updmap --all' (as the user you get this error with).
Alternatively, you can delete the user's local texlive generated formats 'rm
~/.texlive/texmf-var/web2c/*.fmt' (then the system-wide generated formats
will be used, and they do get regenerated automatically on upgrade).

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