Hi, This is my first posting on Arch-general. I am one of the recent converts to the Arch religion from the Debian religion.
I am writing this in defense of the pacman.static package from archlinuxfr site. I have been running for Arch on a server, a laptop and an eeepc box for a while. The server and laptop were updated almost regularly may be once every 3 days where as the eeepc was not upgraded for about 2 months. So I hit pacman -Syu on eeepc and it first asked to install the new pacman version. I went ahead and then with the new pacman I had a problem. It would just not run as a shared library was missing. I was stuck. One way was to reinstall the thing again, I hate this. The other solution which I now describe might be known but still it might be interesting if you get stuck in a similar situation. Imagin that you are install Arch linux sitting in another distro. You would have started with installing the pacman.static package first and then syncing the packages into the directory which will be your new arch root. Something like $ mount /dev/sda2 /media/target $ # copy the mirror list and pacman.conf in the appropriate place $ pacman.static --root /media/target -Sy base Now that you are already in Arch all you have to do is the last line. In my case I just had to install the xz-utils package absense of which was creating the problem. $ pacman.static -S xz-utils The pacman upgrade some how did not install this package. I guess this is a bug. After that the pacman started working fine and I did the following $ pacman -Syu Note. This might be a problem with my pacman.conf. I probably had to install things in the right order. Regards ppk