2009/8/4 Angel Velásquez <an...@archlinux.com.ve>: > Hi, I've syncing my local mirror today and seems to be duplicated > packages of 'any' architecture on i686 directory > > for example kde-l10n-de-4.3.0-1-any.pkg.tar.gz is respectively on any > dir and i686 dir > > See the log of pkgsync on [1]: > > db-clean should fix that iirc, can others mirrors admin checks if this > still happening? I reviewed mirror.archlinux.com.ve on 'any' [2] > architecture and 'i686' [3], 'x86_64' [4] and as I said 'any' packages > still existing on other repos.
The package should be in the any dir only and should be symlinked to both i686 and x86_64 dirs. Are you not syncing symlinks for some reason?