On Thursday 23 July 2009 09:00:20 am Sergey Manucharian wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 14:50:19 +0200
> RedShift <redsh...@pandora.be> wrote:
> > ... 
> > I don't think using second hand modems is a good idea, I really need
> > something I can buy in a store...
> > ...
> http://www.wiredparadise.net/46xvp.html
> Amazing - the price is $30, but the shipping to Europe is $65...
> Cheers,
> Sergey

        Yes, they get you on shipping.. $12.34 for shipping in the states for 
UPS ground for a few ounces? That's more than the last couple of USR's I bought 
of ebay.

        As for 'new' versus 'used', I've had great luck with modems off ebay. 
Modems either work or they don't, not much to wear out. (lightning excluded)

        Once you get your modem, I suspect you will be using hylafax as your 
fax receiving package. When you do, also look into "Avantfax" web front-end to 
hylafax and tesseract for OCR of incoming faxes. Both work excellent. I have 
had the combination running on an old AMD K6-2 450 as my office fax server for 
a year or so and love it. I have a quick setup page for the combination 
(somewhat openSuSE related) at:


David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
Telephone: (936) 715-9333
Facsimile: (936) 715-9339

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