Hello, This is a list [#1] of possible packages that can be arch=('any') in a future.
The pkgs don't have any ELF[*] (x86-32 or x86-64) [executables, shared objects, relocatables] or AR archives (static libs). [core] -> 21 pkgs (~10M p/arch) [extra] -> 417 pkgs (~1.5G p/arch) [community] -> 670 pkgs (~3G p/arch) Should be reviewed, I hope this can help :) [#1] http://archlinux.djgera.com.ar/misc/any.txt [*] Few exceptions, for example community/fpc-src -- Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi ( djgera ) http://www.djgera.com.ar KeyID: 0x1B8C330D Key fingerprint = 0CAA D5D4 CD85 4434 A219 76ED 39AB 221B 1B8C 330D ____________________________________________________________________________________ ¡Viví la mejor experiencia en la web! Descargá gratis el nuevo Internet Explorer 8 http://downloads.yahoo.com/ieak8/?l=ar