2009/7/14 Allan McRae <al...@archlinux.org>

> bardo wrote:
>> 2009/7/14 Vincent Van Houtte <v...@synergylaw.be>:
>>> I had the same problem after installing firefox without updating the
>>> whole
>>> system. Only core, extra, community in use - no testing...
>> Your mirror probably synced while the move was in progress, this is
>> called bad luck ;) Anyway, selective upgrades are known to break the
>> system, and this has been underlined recently, specifically related to
>> this move.
> Nope - he went "pacman -Sy firefox" which pulled in new libraries (due to
> versioned deps) but did not pull in all the other packages that were needed.
>  "pacman -Syu" is the only good way to do a "pacman -Sy"...

Again, I know I have to keep my Archlinux-systems up to date, but I didn't
have the time to completely update that particular pc, still wanting to
update firefox since my grandfather *only* uses firefox on his computer. I
just didn't know pacman didn't handle all dependencies for me and I thought
upgrading a simple webbrowser would be safe.

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