Am Donnerstag, den 09.07.2009, 11:54 -0400 schrieb David Rosenstrauch: > Allan McRae wrote: > > Such as > > Yes - exactly such as that! :-) > > Thanks much! Didn't even know that page existed.
You also could easy check a mirror with this script: --------------- #!/bin/sh # # Test Arch Linux Mirror status # Parameter: URL to test (full path to Arch Linux dir on mirror) # 2008/06/10 Gerhard Brauer <> # ARCHES="i686 x86_64" REPOS="core extra community" echo echo "Mirror-URL: $1" echo "Last timestamp from (updated each hour)" echo "------------------------------------------------------------" for arch in ${ARCHES}; do for repo in ${REPOS}; do echo -e -n "$arch-$repo:\t" date +"%x %X" -u -d @$(wget -q -O - $1/$repo/os/$arch/lastsync) done done --------------- ex.: sh /tmp/ shows you (in UTC) the lastsync time. Means: this mirror has last synced to his upstream between the displayed timestap and displayed timestamp + 1 hour. To see the time according to your timezone, remove the -u parameter on date call. > DR Gerhard "gerbra"