Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi wrote:
> Aaron Griffin wrote:
>> So I finally pushed the core readline/bash packages to testing. The
>> reason it took so long was a) a mkinitcpio issue which was fixed a few
>> weeks in, and b) the fact that I couldn't keep up with the extra
>> packages in my limited freetime.
>> So, I've just built the core packages, and put them in testing for a
>> signoff. These packages are:
>> bash
>> readline
>> device-mapper
>> heimdal
>> inetutils
>> lvm2
>> sqlite3
> Missing [core] wpa_supplicant for /usr/sbin/wpa_cli
And a fine grained shows thats device-mapper don't depends really on
readline and ncurses:

Is linked because is used by lvm2 pkg, for the tools/lvm.c.

$ ldd -u -r

Unused direct

$ ldd -u -r /lib/
Unused direct dependencies:


Maybe can be remove the depend, and add to 'configure' for device-mapper
--disable-readline or forcing via LDFLAGS --as-needed ;)

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi ( djgera )
KeyID: 0x1B8C330D
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