On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 6:18 PM, Allan McRae<al...@archlinux.org> wrote:
> Grigorios Bouzakis wrote:
>> Just out of curiosity, why was that change made?
>> Isnt it a bit incosistent to all other *.d's? pacman.conf isnt in
>> pacman.d,
>> logrotate.conf isnt in logrotate.d, rc.conf isnt in rc.d etc.
>> Are there plans to move those too?
> Upstream decision

A better way to put it:
modprobe.conf is utterly gone and destroyed. Only
/etc/modprobe.d/*.conf is parsed now. If one of those files just so
happens to be the old modprobe.conf, then everything works as before.

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