List, As a test on the x86_64 box where all the conflict occurred, I thought I would make one more stab at a clean kde-unstable install. To start, I decided to wipe the slate clean. The following is a summary of what was required to completely wipe everything out.
[23:30 archangel:/home/david] # pacman -Rs kdemod3-complete basket compizconfig-backend-kconfig kdemod3-gwenview kdemod3-libkdcraw kdemod3- libkexiv2 kdemod3-libkipi opera qcad [23:36 archangel:/home/david] # pacman -Rs kde kde-extragear kde-meta- kdeaccessibility kde-meta-kdeadmin kde-meta-kdeartwork kde-meta-kdebase kde- meta-kdeedu kde-meta-kdegames kde-meta-kdegraphics kde-meta-kdemultimedia kde- meta-kdenetwork kde-meta-kdepim kde-meta-kdeplasma-addons kde-meta-kdesdk kde- meta-kdetoys kde-meta-kdeutils kde-meta-kdewebdev k3b [23:39 archangel:/home/david] # ( IFS=$'\n'; for i in $(pacman -Q | grep kde); do pacman -Rs ${i%%\ *}; done ) [23:41 archangel:/home/david] # pacman -Rs k9copy kdelibs-experimental kdebase-runtime [23:42 archangel:/home/david] # ( IFS=$'\n'; for i in $(pacman -Q | grep kde); do pacman -Rs ${i%%\ *}; done ) [23:42 archangel:/home/david] # pacman -Q | grep kde (nothing) reboot (just for good measure - all kde is gone, including kdm3, we're in runlevel 3) [23:54 archangel:/home/david] # pacman -Sy kde ==> HERE IS THE KEY (DISCUSSED IN THE EARLIER THREAD) ANSWER: [Yes] to the first install whole content ANSWER: [No ] to everything else (there has to be a bug here...) :: Install whole content? [Y/n] :: group kde (including ignored packages): kdeaccessibility kdeadmin kdeartwork kdebase kdebase-runtime kdebase- workspace kdeedu kdegames kdegraphics kdelibs kdemultimedia kdenetwork kdepim kdepimlibs kdeplasma-addons kdesdk kdetoys kdeutils kdewebdev :: Install whole content? [Y/n] n :: Install kdeaccessibility from group kde? [Y/n] n :: Install kdeadmin :: Install kdeartwork from group kde? [Y/n] n :: Install kdebase from group kde? [Y/n] n :: Install kdebase-runtime from group kde? [Y/n] n :: Install kdebase-workspace from group kde? [Y/n] n :: Install kdeedu from group kde? [Y/n] n :: Install kdegames from group kde? [Y/n] n :: Install kdegraphics from group kde? [Y/n] n :: Install kdelibs from group kde? [Y/n] n :: Install kdemultimedia from group kde? [Y/n] n :: Install kdenetwork from group kde? [Y/n] n :: Install kdepim from group kde? [Y/n] n :: Install kdepimlibs from group kde? [Y/n] n :: Install kdeplasma-addons from group kde? [Y/n] n :: Install kdesdk from group kde? [Y/n] n :: Install kdetoys from group kde? [Y/n] n :: Install kdeutils from group kde? [Y/n] n :: Install kdewebdev from group kde? [Y/n] n If you fail to do this you will end up with thousands of conflicts because each of the packages is already included (albeit in piecemeal fashion) in the first block of packages you are answering "Yes" to after issuing the pacman -S kde command. First glaring question is why? Why are conflicts introduced simply by issuing pacman -S kde on a clean system? Also, why can't I install k3b now? [00:47 archangel:/home/david] # pms k3b :: Synchronizing package databases... kde-unstable is up to date core is up to date extra is up to date community is up to date archlinuxfr is up to date resolving dependencies... looking for inter-conflicts... Targets (4): mpg123-1.7.3-1 normalize-0.7.7-3 kdemultimedia-4.2.4-1 k3b-1.66.0alpha2-1 Total Download Size: 0.00 MB Total Installed Size: 18.54 MB Proceed with installation? [Y/n] checking package integrity... (4/4) checking for file conflicts [#################################################################################] 100% error: could not prepare transaction error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) kdemultimedia: /usr/bin/dragon exists in filesystem kdemultimedia: /usr/bin/juk exists in filesystem kdemultimedia: /usr/bin/kmix exists in filesystem kdemultimedia: /usr/bin/kmixctrl exists in filesystem kdemultimedia: /usr/bin/kscd exists in filesystem kdemultimedia: /usr/include/audiocdencoder.h exists in filesystem kdemultimedia: /usr/include/libkcddb/cdinfo.h exists in filesystem kdemultimedia: /usr/include/libkcddb/cdinfodialog.h exists in filesystem kdemultimedia: /usr/include/libkcddb/client.h exists in filesystem kdemultimedia: /usr/include/libkcddb/configbase.h exists in filesystem kdemultimedia: /usr/include/libkcddb/genres.h exists in filesystem kdemultimedia: /usr/include/libkcddb/kcddb.h exists in filesystem kdemultimedia: /usr/include/libkcddb/kcddb_export.h exists in filesystem <snip 100 more lines of tis crud> If we can get k3b installed I'll almost be happy... -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E. Rankin Law Firm, PLLC 510 Ochiltree Street Nacogdoches, Texas 75961 Telephone: (936) 715-9333 Facsimile: (936) 715-9339