On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Grigorios Bouzakis <grb...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Tobias Powalowski <t.p...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> Am Mittwoch 17 Juni 2009 schrieb Allan McRae:
>> > Tobias Powalowski wrote:
>> > > Hi
>> > > just wondered, what is the status of vi/vim in testing, this one
>> blocks
>> > > archboot from moving to extra, is there any progress of moving it to
>> > > extra/core?
>> >
>> > On this topic, both vi an vim are currently in base.  Is this a mistake?
>> > I find the new (n)vi unusable and and removed it and make vi a symlink
>> > to vim.  Although the current vim is bigger, I would not object to
>> > removing vi and adding a symlink from vi to vim-normal...
>> >
>> > Allan
>> It's a whole mess, which needs to be cleaned.
>> First should be decided in which direction this should go.
>> personally i hate this nvi, it's so restricted.
>> greetings
>> tpowa <tp...@archlinux.org>
> I was about to send an email to Tobias the other day but i could get my
> script to work
> so i removed the draft i had saved.
> IMO this packaging scheme sucks for both vi and vim.
> I was looking at the CRUX vim script and if a package like that can be
> achieved IMO
> its the best solution.
> Current situation (in testing) vim depends only on perl (optdepend) so this
> package might
> as well be in [core] instead of [extra] . That means it would need signoffs
> for it & gvim as well.
> I would be in favour of building a vim package in [core] that includes both
> a vi & vim binary,
> like CRUX seems to do it. http://crux.nu/ports/crux-2.5/core/vim/Pkgfile
> I just couldnt get my script to build so hadnt suggested it so far. I
> wonder if thats possible.
> The reasons the previous scheme changed was mainly because people
> complained that vi isnt
> really vi but vim, so this scenario would cover it
> Sorry for interefering.
> --
> Greg

Heres the gvim script too, all those are bundled together:


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