On Tue, 2009-06-16 at 11:09 -0500, David C. Rankin wrote:
>         What I am pissed at AMD/ATI for is dropping all Linux driver
> support 
> for all cards sold before 2007 (Everything before the 2400 series).
> This 
> screwed a lot of loyal ATI users over and left a real bad taste in my 
> mouth. Think about all the 9600, 9700, 9800, x800, x850, x1600,
> x1650, 
> and x1800 ATI cards (many recently sold) where the users are just 
> screwed. (9.3 was the "last" driver release for these cards and for 
> "many", the 9.3 driver is broken)

Instead of being pissed at them, you should love them for releasing
specifications about these cards so open source drivers can support them
The current code living in git for xf86-video-ati and mesa has improved
a lot, and powermanagement is also supported. In the end, you'll be
better off with the open source drivers than any fglrx driver that ever
supported your card.

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