"David C. Rankin" <drankina...@suddenlinkmail.com>:
> The 
> only thing I didn't find was an Alt+F2 run command equivalent (I'm sure it's 
> there, I just haven't found it)
You have to manage this by your own.
Paste something like this into you ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml and be shure to
have gmrun installed.

<keybind key="A-F2">
  <action name="Execute">

In fact, I'm more the shortcutuser. Nearly _every_ keycombo is set with a
shortcut to switch desktops, to start apps, contoll my musik.

FYI I uploaded my [rc.xml to my server][1].

For wallpapering I wrote a small rubyscript, which parses my wallpaper
directory and greats an output (xml) that's used from openbox as "dynamic
menu". Pretty cool - as you can achieve anything you want.

> Both are great lightweight window managers that will get the job done and, if
> you are on older hardware, they will definitely blow the doors off KDE/Gnome
> from a performance perspective. Pretty cool.
Not only on older hardware. :-) I love theire pure minimalistic approach. I
don't need any taskbar - I know my running apps.
Openbox <3

[1]: http://jodl.bitterblume.com/rc.xml

Gruß, Johannes
Täglich http://blog.hehejo.de und du fühlst dich gut.
Mast und Schotbruch mit dem http://segelsport-blog.de.

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