Douglas Soares de Andrade wrote:
> Em Domingo 31 Maio 2009, às 09:37:27, Firmicus escreveu:
>>> Succeeded now.
>>> (Thanks in good part to Gerardo who made me realize that the javac
>>> binary was unable to find, even though it was where it should
>>> be. Symlinking to /usr/lib solved the problem. So this was some LIBPATH
>>> problem in my supposedly pristine chroot.)
>> Dammit!!! My new package happens to have the same GD problem Douglas
>> originally had: see FS#14738
>> Folks, I am no longer sure to understand the subtleties of "building in
>> a clean chroot" ...
>> Now that I know that this package belongs to Douglas, I'll happily let
>> him deal with it ;D
>> On the other hand, I'd be grateful to be a bit more enlightened about
>> all this. Has anyone experienced any similar issues whilst building
>> packages in a chroot?
> Me too, till then i will build packages in my working enviroment, i really 
> did 
> not understood why the package buillt in the chroot had problems, any ideas ?
> Thanks
The FIX is currently in the bugtracker, patch agains the svn trunk. The
explication is in the comments. (My fault)

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi ( djgera )
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