On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 10:06 AM, Alessandro Doro <ordo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 03, 2009 at 09:41:56AM +0100, Magnus Therning wrote:
>> Reading the code for cal it looks like it _should_ consider the locale [1].
>> [1]: 
>> http://git.kernel.org/?p=utils/util-linux-ng/util-linux-ng.git;a=blob;f=misc-utils/cal.c;h=a8534b8ca9e890ea9cc048fb987b0e0503ed045d;hb=HEAD#l289
> cal always displayed Sunday as the first day of the week.
> Your link points to HEAD in git, not to the current Arch Linux version,
> util-linux-ng 2.14.2.
>> Util-linux-ng 2.15 Release Notes (05-May-2009)
>> cal(1):
>>   - determines the first day of week from the locale.

Ah, OK.  I didn't even consider that Arch might have an out-of-date
util-linux-ng ;-)  I found a conversation from 2001 regarding this
behaviour in the original cal, I didn't think it would take 8 years to
make it into the version in util-linux-ng.  Thanks for pointing that

Anyway, the Gnome clock applet IS starting the week on the wrong day
(I'm not even aware if there is a single locale that starts the week
on Tuesday :-) )


Magnus Therning                        (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus@therning.org          Jabber: magnus@therning.org
http://therning.org/magnus         identi.ca|twitter: magthe

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