> Many package manage user/groups in many differents ways. (no much
> problem here)
> Many do things like:
> @ when installed
> 1) check if not user foo exists then create it
> 2) check if not group foo exists then create it
> @when removed
> 1) remove the user foo (without check)
> 2) remove the group foo (without check)
> Because by default the option USERGROUPS_ENAB is set to yes, when user
> "foo" is removed also the group "foo" is removed, so the groupdel
> command will fail, then pacman show the message: "error: scriptlet
> failed to execute correctly".
> The solution is trivial, check with getent before remove, just like some
> packages do it before create the user.
> My question here, is there interest in resolving this? Currently I have
> the choice of those who fail (both extra and comunity). Do you send a
> report to everyone who fail to flyspray with the patch (low priority)?
> Also I can unify the user creation step, some .install check with "grep"
> and others with "getent". I prefer the proper getent method.

Maybe PKGBUILD could have a user[s] and group[s] variables that only
specify  the user/group needed for the package and pacman could take
care of the actual creating and removing of the user and group?

.. just an idea


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