Greetings everyone,

I've been trying to create a Subversion repository without success. I end up always with the same error: 403 Forbidden.

I've followed the wiki [1] doing exactly the same as described there (except the path and username) and I don't understand. I set the permissions, checked the ssl paths over and over again, the same with .svn-policy-file and nothing...

Trying the link in the browser, accept the certificate and pass the basic authentication and there it is, the 403 page. I don't get prompted again for authentication so it's the right one.

Using svn -co, the same thing:
svn: Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response to OPTIONS request for 'https://localhost/svn/repo'

Does anyone have any idea what can be wrong? Maybe some common mistake or something...

Thanks in advance,
Paulo Santos


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