David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E. wrote:
On or about Sunday 17 May 2009 at approximately 03:51:10 David C. Rankin,
        Another interesting note. When I inserted the card, there was no entry
created in /media. Now 10 minutes later after I have been copying the
photos, etc., the mount of /dev/mmcblk0p1 has *appeared* mounted on
/media/disk? Huh?

        I can't tell you when it appeared, but I can tell you that for at least
4-5 minutes. So why the initial error and why the magical appearance after
the error telling me it wasn't going to be mounted? What to check for more

Here is the deal,

When I stick the card in, as my normal user I can't access the device shown under "Services" "Storage Media" and there is no "disk" entry in /media.

If I start konqueror running as root and then access "Services" "Storage Media" and the SD card (/dev/mmcblk0p1 in this case), Presto the device automatically appears as "disk" under /media and then I *can* access it (rw) as my normal user. What gives? What permissions are stuck?

Short answer:

Use this for your /etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- -*- XML -*- -->

<!DOCTYPE pkconfig PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Configuration 1.0//EN"

<!-- See the manual page PolicyKit.conf(5) for file format -->

<config version="0.1">
        <define_admin_auth group="wheel"/>
        <match action="org.freedesktop.hal.storage.mount-removable">
                <return result="yes"/>
        <match action="org.freedesktop.hal.storage.eject-removable">
                <return result="yes"/>

Long answer:

See:  http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=542472

I have to say, I'm not very fond of this new console-kit/policy-kit stuff being the default in hal now. I far prefer the simplicity of standard unix groups and permissions.


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