On Sonntag, 17. Mai 2009 10:02 David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E. wrote:

> After switching /boot/grub/menu.lst and /etc/fstab from disk/by-uuid labels
> to the standard /dev/sda# labels everything boots and runs fine. Now the
> question of why the by-uuid labels did not work? I updated the uuid lables
> in each file with the right value from /dev/disk/by-uuid using strick copy
> and paste to eliminate typos and then verified 3 times, they were right.

There is a longer existing second mechanism in linux named disklabel. See


The advantage is that you can recreate partitions without a problem if you use
the same name for a disklabel as before. The disadvantage is that a lot of
people think that this labels can get lost instead this never happens to

See this as an optional information about your problem.

See you, Attila

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