Thanks, useful stuff.


On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Grigorios Bouzakis <> wrote:
> On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 06:13:09PM +0200, Pierre Schmitz wrote:
>> Hello,
>> maybe you are familar with the following problem:
>> You want to get notified when there is a new upstream release. The problem is
>> that not all projects offer rss feeds or an announce mailing list. And if 
>> they
>> do they are sometimes too verbose or don't cover the updates you like.
>> So needed something to watch a certain website and tell me if anything
>> changed. There are a lot of webservices, firefox plugins etc..; but they are
>> all too complicated and just don't offer what I need.
>> So I though it would be quite easy to write something myself using cron and
>> lynx. So I after a few minutes I had a simple Bash script whih just does the
>> job.
>> It loops through an url list and prints the diff to the previous run. Running
>> this by cron I get an email including the diff everytime one of the observed
>> websites are updated.
>> Maybe someone else has some use for it, too. And perhaps I'll even create a
>> git repo for it; though I don't think I should add much more "features". ;-)
> Frugalware has been doing similar stuff for a long while but they have
> an up2date field in their build scripts. See for example:
> They recently converted that to a Flasttar function:
> The source is somewhere in here:
> --
> Greg

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