I think there is no need to bridge your network inside your machine.
Use the outwards interface (eth0) in your settings.
Give in windows a "fresh" IP for your Virtualbox.
Works fin on my side.

I have all Linux "normal" built: wlan0 to get to the router. (example, Router:
Inside Virtualbox I set the Adapter to use wlan0 as Bridged Network.
And inside Windows I use a static IP to use in my network (example or use dhcp.


Am Mittwoch, den 13.05.2009, 18:25 +0200 schrieb ludovic coues:
> hi listmate,
> I'm posting 'cause I have some problem when I bridge a connexion.
> I wanna set up a virtual machine with windws 7 to play eve online (no
> support for linux at this time, and I can't make it run on wine).
> So I've follow the wiki for setting up network with the virtual
> machine. But now, I'm starting my computer with eth0 and vbox0
> bridged, but I can't use my wifi connexion on wlan0.
> If I delete the bridge with a «brctl delbr br0», I can connect to the
> wifi through wlan0, but my VM haven't any network.
> To be exact, I can connect me to my personnal network, but this have
> no internet connexion.
> Weird.
> If any one might help me with this, it would be nice.
> -ludovic

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