Hello everyone, the last month when I was trying to update with pacman
-Syu, this error message showed up:
usr/sbin/gconfpkg: line 18: 21838 Violaci�n de segmento
GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`/usr/bin/gconftool-2 --get-default-source`
/usr/bin/gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule
/usr/share/gconf/schemas/${pkgname}.schemas > /dev/null
When I rebooted, I couldn't enter into Gnome again. The only thing I
could see was a gray screen, but with the compiz effects activated
(cube). I tried to downgrade and to force the installation of the
package gnome, xorg-server and so on, but nothing happened.
Now, I'm usin LXDE (a nice DE, by the way), but the update of gnome
package keeps failing.
Anyone with this trouble, any ideas about solving this issue?