David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E. wrote:
> On Saturday 09 May 2009 03:09:37 David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E. wrote:
>> Listmates,
> <snip>
>>      The problem is with the archlinux default
>> ~/.config/compiz/compizconfig/config supplied along with the
>> compiz-fusion-kde package. The default is:
>> [kde_session]
>> profile =
>>      For some reason this prevents compiz from starting with either the 
>> radeon
>> or radeonhd driver.
> <snip>
>       Just fyi, I checked the default config for suse by creating a new user, 
> starting compiz, and exiting. It is as follows:
> [03:21 ecstasy:/srv/www/download/linux/compiz] # cat 
> compizconfig-suse/compizconfig/Default.ini
> [decoration]
> as_command = kde-window-decorator --replace
> [core]
> as_active_plugins = 
> core;ccp;place;move;resize;decoration;png;wobbly;cube;fade;minimize;rotate;scale;switcher;regex;workarounds;zoom;
>       My guess is that "workarounds" is what helped compiz get started with 
> the 
> default config. (That is only my guess though)

        The key wasn't simply "workarounds" but also needed was "as_command = 

        3rd-time is the charm. I didn't like the way the earlier posts read, so 
conciseness, the following default configuration for the 2 files needed under
~/.config/compiz/compizconfig will get you going using the radeonhhd driver:

backend = ini
profile =

as_command = emerald --replace

as_active_plugins =

        Additionally, (I didn't test this), but supposedly, you can just start 
(it will not be working), and then run ccsm (CompizConfig Settings Manager) and
make your setting changes, then restart compiz.

        Now someone reading this thread can make sense of it and have all the 
changes in a single post for the required compiz defaults.

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
Telephone: (936) 715-9333
Facsimile: (936) 715-9339

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