Hi folks, X server crashes randomly with the following error:
[xkb] BOGUS LENGTH in write keyboard desc, expected 5576, got 5592 Graphic card is Intel G965, driver xf86-video-intel, tried both from [extra] and [testing]. I'm using the Caps_Lock key to change the keyboard layout via a script. I do not want to use "grp:caps_toggle" in xkb options since I need to do something else besides just layout switching. My bash script toggles between layouts running "setxkbmap -layout us" or "setxkbmap -layout ru" commands depending on the current one. Once in a while X server crashes on the toggling. Before I used the "stock" method "grp:caps_toggle", and it never crashed. Google finds several bug reports with the similar error string, but they are not related to layout switching. Thanks for ideas! Sergey.