On Mon, 2009-05-04 at 22:44 +0200, Attila wrote: > On Montag, 4. Mai 2009 18:17 Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi wrote: > > > Personally in my machine, I recompiled this package without the patch, I > > prefer the auto-hinting from freetype2, because fonts looks better (at > > least on CRT), I know that this can be configured with fontconf, but > > because some programs/libs based on xpdf libs (example poppler*, kpdf), > > look at headers at compile time instead of using fontconfig I recompile > > these packages too. > > Nice to see that you prefer auto-hinting as mine. I config this with > fontconfig and thought i'm on the safe side but you say that this is not good > for kdpf and so on. Do you have background informations about it and what is > the list of apps which do you recompile? > > I suggest that everyone who never used auto-hinting should test to see if this > patch is necessary or not. Personally i support to deactivate the patch but i > know that fonts be even a very individually piece of choice and prefer a > democratic decision. > > See you, Attila
Deactivating the patch can be done by fontconfig configuration, so you don't have to recompile freetype at all for this. As for the licensing: AFAIK even Debian ships with the bytecode interpreter enabled these days.