On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 04:34:16PM -0400, Andrei Thorp wrote:
> > But it has a G in it, so I can't have it on my system! ;)
> Same reason I don't use gcc, git, gdb, the *G*NU tools in general, man
> paGes, X.orG, doxygen, anything with gettext, GIMP, anything -ng, or
> any pluGins. Don't even talk to me about grep.
Can someone put a XFree86 PKBUILD in AUR for this unlucky uy?

And talkin' about development tools, once I heard about the FNU project
(Fink's Not Unix) with freat tools like fcc, fdb fawk and so on.
Current status is unclear, now that OS X is UNIX certified.

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