On Friday 24 April 2009 00:14:15 David C. Rankin wrote:

Hello David,
>       Not having filed with http://bugs.archlinux.org/ before, is there 
> anything
> special I need to do to make sure it is "reported to the author(s) of that
> splash screen"? I presume it works like any other bugzilla, but is there
> something beyond that I should know to make sure it gets to the right
> place?
>       I've installed kdemod3-kdelibs-debug and I will gather a new backtrace 
> to
> submit. Thank you for your help!

First of all, http://bugs.archlinux.org is not the right place for this crash. 
It's written and packaged outside the official Arch Linux project.
The splash screen does not seem to have a dedicated website or bug tracker, so 
I'd suggest to mail the author directly, and attach the backtrace with more 
details (so kdemod3-kdelibs-debug provides that).
If it turns out to be a packaging problem, you should contact the kdemod guys.


Kind regards,

Bram Schoenmakers

What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind.
(Punch, 1855)

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