Andrei Thorp wrote:
> Erk,
> I'm always a bit iffy on editing system-wide configurations. If the
> package is updated, pacman won't update the edited configuration file
> (and start spawing .pacnew files), right? I also just don't like
> keeping configurations outside of home if at all possible.
> Does the current Arch VI respect .virc in your home dir? If so, put
> "set nohlsearch" in your .virc file instead. That just turns it off
> regardless of whether the system-wide one turns it on or not.
> Also, I would like to kindly suggest that you consider using full VIM
> instead of VI. It has a lot more features and is often much nicer to
> work with.
> Sorry if I'm telling you stuff you already know and don't need to hear again 
> :)
> Cheers,
> -Andrei Thorp

Thanks Andrei,

        It doesn't matter how basic it is, never, ever underestimate my ability 
either overlook it or have forgotten it ;-) On the system wide issue, If I can
get a good config I like, that's generally my preference. That way when a user
has a questions about X, I know what he is looking at and how whatever it is is
configured. (my users are my family, kids and the office staff -- not too many,
but anything helps)

        So far /etc/virc seems to be doing the job. I'll add my dark color 
scheme to
~/.virc and see if that works, but if /etc/virc will take care of the basic
stuff, then I'm good!

        From reading the man page, pacman handles updates of config files in 
the same
way rpm does, so that works fine for me.

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
Telephone: (936) 715-9333
Facsimile: (936) 715-9339

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