
Uses the files $repo.files.tar-gz that the community/pkgtools downloads
Output both files for each repo, one sorted by package and other sorted
by packager

Can be very improved, sure!

Sample usage:

$ ./badfhs.sh usr/man/.+
Done: /tmp/core.usrman.txt and /tmp/core.usrman.sort.txt
Done: /tmp/extra.usrman.txt and /tmp/extra.usrman.sort.txt
Done: /tmp/community.usrman.txt and /tmp/community.usrman.sort.txt
Done: /tmp/testing.usrman.txt and /tmp/testing.usrman.sort.txt

The output:

[djg...@gerardo ~]$ cat /tmp/extra.usrman.txt | head -4
3ddesktop                 0.2.9-2              Simo Leone
a2ps                      4.13c-1              Arch Linux
abcde                      Giovanni Scafora
acct                      6.3.2-1              Damir Perisa
arj                       3.10.22-4            Travis Willard
[djg...@gerardo ~]$ cat /tmp/extra.usrman.sort.txt | head -4
fbset                     2.1-2                Aaron Griffin
fetchmail                 6.3.8-4              Aaron Griffin
imlib                     1.9.15-4             Aaron Griffin
lsdvd                     0.16-3               Aaron Griffin
ccache                    2.4-4                Alexander Baldeck

Take care.

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi ( djgera )
KeyID: 0x1B8C330D
Key fingerprint = 0CAA D5D4 CD85 4434 A219  76ED 39AB 221B 1B8C 330D

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