Am Sonntag, 15. März 2009 14:54:20 schrieb Chris Brannon:
> I am proud to announce the second release of a modified ArchLinux install
> CD that includes spoken output for blind users.
> It is mostly equivalent to the official "ftp CD", but
> the system should start speaking as soon as you boot with it.
> Speech is provided via the sound card, using the eSpeak software
> synthesizer and the Speakup screenreader.

This sounds realy nice. Is there some way to make it kind of optional so it 
might be included in a future archiso image? Or does it take a lot of disk/CD 

Did anyone tried this on a VirtualBox? It just hangs at boot for me. 


Pierre Schmitz

Clemens-August-Straße 76
53115 Bonn

Telefon         0228 9716608
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