On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 8:49 AM, Damjan Georgievski <gdam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There's a PKGBUILD in AUR of xinput, but I think it needs to be with
> the other Xorg packages in extra, probably even in the "xorg" group.
> xinput is a utillity that can dynamically change different properties
> of the X input devices like the ones that otherwise need to be
> configured in the xorg.conf file or the HAL fdi file. For example,
> enabling wheel emulation of a trackpoint.
> You can also use it to enable or disable input devices.

You're welcome to file a feature request for this, but I have a
feeling it will be closed. xinput is older than Arch itself, and
you're the first one to bring it up. I recommend you follow the proper
procedure for this - vote it up, wait for it to go to community. Once
it's popular enough to be in community, we can possibly move it to

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