Allan McRae wrote:
> Leslie P. Polzer wrote:
>>> There is this wiki page that has (or started?) put together guidelines
>>> for the packaging of lisp packages.
>> Interesting, thanks.
>> This page is a bit eclectic right now.
>> Gentoo has an excellent one in its Wiki:
>> In my opinion the first essential step is defining a common
>> location for all packages and a framework for having user- and
>> implementation-specific locations for the compiled binaries.
>> I also wonder whether all people interested in Arch and
>> Common Lisp are reading this, or whether some are only active
>> in the forums.
> Trying on the forums would probably be a good idea.  I think there is
> probably a larger readership there.
> Allan
Yes, there are an open msg at

I am currently working on some CL-packages, researching in constructing
"the best way to make PKGBUILD".

Well, I think that will continue in the forum...

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi ( djgera )
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