> > Please! Please! Please, search first and if searching fails, please use the > forums. I'm sick of your noob questions polluting my Inbox. The forum is > the more appropriate place for such questions, but as redshift stated use a > search engine first! > > Cheers, > ~pyther > I did search, the wiki and some of google, I even posted on the forum but didn't get what I was looking for- so I took it to the mailing list, where people seem to help. I could care less that you are sick of my noob questions, to be frank with you. I have gotten some very gracious replies on the mailing lists and the problem even got solved. To many people flame on the forum, it seems.
I don't mean to argue with you, but when you say something about how you are sick of "noob questions polluting your inbox" then that bothers me. This is the general discussion mailing list, is it not? Sorry if this post sounded rude, but your's was far worse. Preston