On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 10:05:49AM -0800, Andrew Przepioski wrote:
> How come xorg-apps is a dependency for xterm? Been a lil' curious for
> awhile and have tried figuring it out, but found nothing so I figured
> I would ask here.

As of xterm 230 part of the xterm package is koi8rxterm from Debian
which has xorg-apps as a dependency (at least xmessage).

I would also say, since i already answered your question, that personally
i am deeplu annoyed with the why is this a dependency for that mentality
going on especially in the forums, and especially without reseaching the
reasons first. That is not directed to Andrew. Its quite general. Guess
what, programs have features. Features is what people want. Features
usually have dependencies. If you dont like them, build it your self
first, then IF you find that something is useless, not just for you,
report it in the bug tracker.
If you still dont like what you get, dont use the Arch package, maintain
your own, its really easy.


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